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Welcome to St. Lalibela Monastery

Welcome! Step into Lalibela Monastery, where the ancient traditions of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church come alive. Rooted in one of the world's oldest Christian traditions, the Church's primary mission is a rich tapestry of spiritual growth, cultural preservation, and community well-being. Beyond religious rituals, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church provides spiritual guidance, preserves faith and traditions, promotes education, engages in social and humanitarian services, and fosters community building. At its core are distinctive beliefs, including a deep commitment to the Holy Trinity, belief in Jesus Christ, veneration of the Virgin Mary, and adherence to sacraments and spiritual disciplines. As you explore Lalibela Monastery, immerse yourself in the profound history, spirituality, and cultural heritage that embody the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. May your visit be a journey of reverence, wonder, and spiritual discovery.

Service Offerings

The Lalibela Monastery graciously offers religious services to its devoted followers and individuals with a heartfelt desire to embrace Orthodox Christianity. Additionally, we provide seamless assistance for booking and payment transactions to secure tickets for the entrance fee, granting access to the entirety of the 11 churches, including the Museum.
Our Services

“Vision of the Monastery Administration”

“Seeing the Monastery Fulfill its Universal and Holistic Religious Role”

Mission of the Monastery Administration

“To establish an organized, purely orthodox, and modern multi-purpose structure and system that will enable the monastery to succeed in its missions, preserve its faith, heritage, and history, and diligently pass it on from generation to generation.”

Pictures from St.Lalibela Monastery
Embark on a spiritual odyssey through St. Lalibela Monastery, where ancient rock-hewn churches stand as testaments to Ethiopia's profound spiritual legacy. These images capture the intricate carvings and awe-inspiring architecture that adorn the monastery's sacred halls.